Hogwash returns! We've added more body to this hickory-smoked porter, raising the ABV to 8% and improving the mouthfeel. Instead of a lighter "bacon in a glass," the new Hogwash is smooth, slightly smoky, and deep. We think it works even better as a food pairing (grilled meats, cheese, chocolate), or on its own in front of a pit or a fireplace.
And while we've updated the recipe, we're still house-smoking North Carolina grain over hickory wood. That's what makes Hogwash Hogwash. Anything else would be hogwash!
Alc. By Vol.
To-Go Options
Drink It With
Grilled meats, cheese, chocolate
Locally malted house smoked barley, Black malt, Midnight Wheat, Chocolate malt, Specialty grains, Ashburne Mild malt, Pale malt, Flaked oats