Planet Moon

Hazy IPA


An otherworldly exploration of juicy hops, balanced with a citrus bite.

Planet Moon, the name, comes from an infamous QVC clip that quickly goes off the rails. Everything about this moment is fantastic, from the QVC host's lament about Yahoo!'s status as a falling star to the model in the background proffering the correct answer. If anyone knows who "Chunky" is (0:35), we're here for it.

If you've enjoyed what you've learned so far, we highly recommend the essay "I Think About Isaac Mizrahi Calling the Moon a Planet a Lot". The short write-up pairs well with a hazy IPA.

(You may need a beer after this. TW: puppets)

Alc. By Vol.
To-Go Options
16oz Cans
Drink It With
a Natural Satellite
Grains Riverbend Malt House Malted Chit Barley, Locally malted wheat, Locally malted barley (Foundation), Flaked wheat, Flaked oats, Two-row brewer's malt
Hops Azacca, El Dorado, Amarillo, Magnum
Yeast London Ale

Awards & Certifications

Craft Malt Certified

Contains at least 10% regional grain


Locally malted barley (Foundation)


Locally malted wheat


Riverbend Malt House Malted Chit Barley